Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Decisions - - To Go? - - To Stop?

I was just thinking about. . .

Decisions seem easy for some people - but - they are always difficult for me. My great apprehension is in making a decision that is based on my will and preference rather than on God's will and His placement.

It would be so much easier if the wheels came off of the wagon or some other obvious indication was at hand. Just a clear indication that I have gone as far as I can and should proceed no further. Maybe if my beast of burden would speak to me in a way similar to Balaam's experience. Maybe then I would be able to reach a suitable decision.

I try to remind myself of the statement in Colossians 4:12 (NLT) in terms of the prayer offered by Epaphras..."He always prays earnestly for you, asking God to make you strong and perfect, fully confident of the whole will of God." I'm thankful for those who pray for me but I do miss some who have gone on to be with the Lord - people who had made a commitment to pray for me frequently, if not every day! I miss them being around but am thrilled they are in the presence of the Lord...

I'm thankful for the strength the Lord gives for each new day. I feel very invigorated by Him and am very desirous of "keeping on keeping on"! I just never want to impose myself on a group or situation where I either limit or hinder the progress and growth of the group, individual, church or situation. Sometimes - others can better make that determination than I. I'm too idealistic and have high expectations and believe if the goal is not being attained - then - I have failed! What a dilemma! What a difficult decision!


Andy said...

This is a boring comment . . . This is a test. My last two comments have been eaten by the Google monster.

Andy said...

How do I know I am where I should be? This is something I ponder ALL THE TIME. My wife and I were talking about it the other day and I had a startling thought. I am EXACTLY where God wants me to be. If I am not in rebellion against God, and if God is Sovereign, then this is where I should be. I should stop looking "out there" for something better, or wondering if I could serve God more efficiently if I did something else. He has me HERE. I need to look around in the place I am and see what God wants done in THIS place. If He wants to move me, He most assuredly and easily can do so. He has done it with me in the past. So relax, enjoy the ride . . . God is the pilot (not the co-pilot as the bumbersticker erroneously says) and He will take us where He wants us to go.