Monday, January 2, 2017


I Was Just Thinking About – COURSE CORRECTIONS.

One would hope that a Sermon preached would be similar to a beautiful Symphony played. Too often, it becomes similar to an Unfinished Symphony. This occurred yesterday when I used a text to encourage us to listen more to the Lord and His direction for one’s life. The text was Isaiah 30:20-21 with the emphasis upon: “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left/” The Key emphasis point being: “Are you listening for and following the Lord’s directions for your life?”

I wanted to include the heart-felt persuasion of Brother Lawrence when he said: “I cannot imagine how religious persons can live satisfied without the practice of the presence of God. For my part I keep myself retired with Him in the depth of center of my soul as much as I can; and while I am so with Him I fear nothing; but the least turning from Him is insupportable.” The Key: We need to learn to both listen to the Word of God and continually walk with the awareness of being in His presence.

I intended to refer to an emphasis shared on the 9 Marks Webpage: “What we are listening for when the Word is preached is not primarily practical how-to advice, though Scripture teaches us much about every-day matters. Nor should we listen for messages and ideas that bolster our self-esteem or that rouse us for political and social causes. Rather…we are listening for the voice and message of God as revealed in his word. We are listening to hear God speak to us the things he has in his omniscient love written for His glory and our blessing. Listening for the meaning of a passage of Scripture, and accepting that meaning as the main idea to be grasped for our personal and corporate lives as Christian.”

I managed to briefly mention a part of the planned conclusion and a desire of my own heart. It is found in a Hymn – (used as a Prayer):
Speak, Lord, in the stillness, While I wait on Thee;
Hushed my heart to listen, In expectancy.

Fill me with the knowledge, Of Thy glorious will;
All Thine own good pleasure In my life fulfill.

The “unfinished” Sermon application summary included: (a) Do you long for and desire the certainty of the Presence of God in your life every moment of every day? (b) Are you committed to listening to the Lord’s voice and word and to doing what He says and requires? (c) As a follower of Jesus Christ – can He depend upon you to faithfully represent Him in: Your Home? Your Work Place? Your Community? Your World? If so – how are you doing so far? What changes will be actuated – by you - In this New Year? (d) How adept are you at making needed Course Corrections in your spiritual and physical life?

Prayerfully – consider these things with me.

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