Friday, July 20, 2012


From My Perspective - - -

Many people are concerned about our country and culture in terms of direction and future expectations. If one looks at just two areas of our world and nation, one has to be concerned regarding (a) world turmoil and the possibilities of war and annihilation, and (b) economic bankruptcy of individuals, cities and nations. On the one hand, war will bring destruction of cities and nations, and death for countless multitudes. Economically, nations have allowed themselves to believe they can spend what they don’t have and tax the citizens to continue down the path of financial ruin. The person was wise who said: “If your outgo exceeds your income – your upkeep will be your downfall.” To live beyond one’s means is one of the tragic absurdities of our day.

Absurdity means there is a “variance with reason” and embracing that which is patently and “manifestly false; ludicrous; ridiculous.” It is also defined as being “utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false.” In Philosophy, it is what the Existentialist has embraced and believes in terms of his conception of the world – “as neither designed nor predictable but irrational and meaningless.” The future of the Existentialist is tantamount to stepping out into an unknown special entity – doing so in “faith” – but a faith that is neither factual or objective. As one of their champions allowed in his treatise, one must merely have the “Courage To Be.”

An illustration of Absurdity could be the Congress of the United States passing spending resolutions that have increased the National Debt by trillions of dollars but who have declined to discuss and adopt a Budget for the Nation for more than three years. Does that make any practical or good sense, or is that something that should be deemed as being Absurd? In 1991, when Operation Desert Storm was launched so that Kuwait might be liberated from the occupation of Iraq, that Sunday – churches all across the United States had a significant increase in their attendance (some by more than 25%). People were concerned and fearful about the potential for and possibility of Armageddon beginning. However, 100 hours after the ground assault began, the coalition forces had gained a decisive victory and the coalition forces declared a cease-fire. What happened to those who had surged into the churches the previous Sunday? Did it make any practical or good sense for them to continue attending church when the military had been so effective – or – was there a sigh of relief and further church attendance was relegated to the absurd (until the next crisis or emergency)?

A portion of a sermon – Four Lies That Ruined The World - preached by the late Dr. Adrian Rogers included these thoughts: “In today’s world, we have substituted many things for God’s Word – (1) Relativism: there is no fixed truth; (2) Subjectivism: based on feelings and experiences; (3) Rationalism: using reason and logic alone; (4) Pragmatism: Don’t ask if it’s true, but does it work; and (5) Postmodernism: There is no absolute truth; it is subjective and individualistic.” How does one combat the “Lies” that seem so prominent and prevail so readily in our culture? One way is to be determined to know The Truth. There is this fascinating exchange in John 8:31-32, “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The Jews resisted these words – “the truth will set you free” - and protested them on the basis of their heritage – “we are the descendants of Abraham.” Jesus reminds them that it is not an ethnic heritage but a personal relationship and commitment - John 8:36-37 – “…if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. I know you are Abraham's descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my word.” The Absurdity of our culture and the indictment of Jesus to it is – “…you have no room for My Word.” How about you – do you have room for Jesus and His Word? Have you made a personal commitment to Him – to know Him and to walk in His truth? To delay would be an absurdity!  Consider these things with me!

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