Friday, July 2, 2010

Anaerobic Aerobics

From My Perspective - - -

Maggots made the news this week when a US Airways plane in Atlanta returned to the passenger gate. It resulted because of a level of panic and fear – maggot mania - when maggots started to fall from an overhead bin onto the passengers. The Flight Attendants urged everyone to remain in their seats and to be calm. One passenger commented: "I felt like they were crawling all over me because it only takes one maggot to upset your world…And as they're telling us to stay calm and seated, I see a maggot looking back at me and I'm thinking: These are anaerobic, flesh-eating larvae that the flight attendants don't have to sit with.” The word “anaerobic” means: “(of an organism or tissue) living in the absence of air or free oxygen…” The gist of the story is: “Maggots falling from an overhead bin from a spoiled container of meat forced a US Airways flight to return to the gate in Atlanta so the bin could be cleaned. A Passenger said she noticed a couple of flies on the Monday flight when she got to her seat but didn't think much of it. Then, as the plane was taxiing, she heard a passenger behind her causing a commotion and refusing to take her seat. Then I heard the word ‘maggot' and that kind of got everybody ‘creeped out’…All of a sudden, I felt somebody flick the back of my hair and on the front of me came a maggot, which I flicked off me. A passenger had a container of rancid meat in a carry-on bag and brought it on Monday's flight bound for Charlotte, N.C.” A Headline could have been: “An Anaerobic Caused A Degree Of Aerobic Movement.”

Another form of “maggot-mania” is the Labeling that is done in our society. For some strange reason, the words “Nazi” and “Nazism” are used by one political party against those who are opposed to them and their legislative proposals. By the same token, those who are labeled “Nazi” in turn label those with opposing views as being “Marxist”, “Progressives”, and “Socialists”! The Maggots that brought about the delayed flight in Atlanta and caused it later to be taken out of service so it could be completely fumigated have a similarity to the Labels Politicians use about each other as they endeavor to retain power. The politicians need to be returned to the passenger gate and either be (a) totally fumigated, or (b) taken out of service. Its time that the mantra of the citizenry should be: E-I-E – Enough Is Enough! If left unattended, the Maggots and Labelers will gnaw away at the substance and fabric of who we are.

Those who are struggling to survive and those who see no light at the end of their tunnel are further exasperated by those who govern and who seem to be out of touch with the real world. Those who present the talking points that the Stimulus Plan is working and that jobs have been saved and created are out of touch with those who are part of the 10% unemployed and who have lost their homes through foreclosure. Those who tell you that the Banks have money for investment are out of touch with those who have tried to secure a loan to purchase some real property and have been refused – even though their credit score is high and they have been a Depositor in that Bank for many years. Regrettably, here’s another label – it is a form of “Brain-Washing” (“Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs.”).This is not the Change people had Hoped for in the 2008 Election.

In the meanwhile, those who are committed to Trusting in the Lord, should remind themselves that (a) There is a God in Heaven and He is always in control; (b) one’s Trust and Hope should never be in man but always in the Lord; (c) Circumstances are temporary and Romans 8:28 remains functional: “…we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”; and (d) when fear grips one’s heart and mind – Psalm 56:3-4, “But when I am afraid, I put my trust in you. O God, I praise your word. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?” The road before us may still have many twists and turns, and may even be a bit bumpy! There is an old Church Chorus that contains the words: “Safe am I, Safe am I, In the hollow of His hand; Sheltered o'er, sheltered o'er With His love forever more. No ill can harm me, No foe alarm me, For He keeps both day and night, Safe am I, Safe am I, In the hollow of His hand.” Consider these things with me!

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