Saturday, July 26, 2008

Second Chances

From My Perspective - - -

What if there was no such thing as second chances? What if we had to have it right from the beginning and there was no room for error? How many of us would survive? How many of us would be doing what we are doing today? Have we ever had a second chance? I would like to think there are certain things that are operative. It is chilling and sobering to read in Ecclesiastes 7:20, “…there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.” This indicates that all of us in one way or another exhibit inconsistencies, foibles, and failures. When that occurs, I hope there are those who would come alongside and lift up the fallen; show compassion to the one who has floundered and failed; encourage the one who has faltered - and show that God’s Grace is able to enfold such a one and grant a second-chance.

Sometimes there are mitigating circumstances that were never part of ones psyche or goal – “stuff” just happened – insufficient skill; lack of funds; no support group; no accountability; strong-will; a determination of “my way or no way”; etc. Sometimes it’s just plain stubbornness and/or stupidity. It’s always good to know what one does not know! Life’s journey should not just be an on-going experiment – there ought to be achievable and realistic goals, as well as a sense of accomplishment and accountability. We need more men like the servant Barnabas who was willing to run the risk of reaching out and attempting to help those who were suspect, and some who had failed. Barnabas is known as “the man of encouragement” – the man who came alongside Saul of Tarsus to get him on the right track; and who later would take John Mark and help shape and hone his life so he would be more useful for ministry.

If the Lord God operated the way we sometimes do, no one would have a second-chance. We would zap them all! After all – they didn’t do it “our way”; or they were disgustingly human and failed! It’s so easy to set standards for others and to measure people by a standard before which we ourselves falter and fail. I think of King David and the odyssey of his life. The Bible states he was “a man after God’s own heart” and that he and his heirs would reign over God’s people. And yet – David failed miserably! By our standards, he would be finished! We’d say – “you had your chance and you blew it – now you’re done!” I love these phrases in II Peter 3:9 (The Message), “God isn't late with his promise…He is restraining himself on account of you…He's giving everyone space and time to change.” The words – “space and time to change” are like music to ones ears. There is the potential and possibility of a new day and new opportunity. God has given me opportunity to learn from my past inconsistencies, foibles, failures. Just as Jesus said to those whom he called to be disciples – “I will make you…” – he is still remaking and remolding and recycling those who have stumbled and fallen. I’m thankful for the second chances extended to me.

Someone shared the following thoughts with me: “Seeing how God has humbled a man though his first experience…and how this man has reacted by God’s grace - having learned fundamental lessons en route, I think that he is a much safer choice (for ministry) than someone who is untried. Ministry is not for sissies or those who are full of themselves; it is tough and requires full dependence on God’s grace in humility.” It’s difficult to have a second chance. Some love to hold another down and measure that one only by a past failure. It behooves us to reach out to those who have tried and failed – and especially to those who have learned valuable lessons as a result – and grant them an opportunity to be restored and to have a second chance. In 1 Corinthians 15:9-10, Paul shares these brief words of testimony: “For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God (a second chance) that is with me.” Second Chances – we’ve all had them; we all need them!

Think about this with me - - -

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