Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Danger Ahead

From My Perspective - - -

We all see warning signs every day. In some instances, those signs are so ordinary and common place that we hardly notice them any more. For instance, Railroad Crossings used to have this warning: “Stop, Look, and Listen.” We don’t have as much railway traffic as in previous years and the only thing that modifies our speed at such crossings is the uneven terrain when crossing the tracks. Another sign one often sees when driving is: “Watch Out For Falling Rocks”. I doubt anyone pays much attention to that warning of possible danger. Few slow down for Curves; many do not make a complete Full Stop at an intersection. We just don’t take Danger Warnings seriously.

Regrettably, the matter-of-fact attitude permeates our culture, and with that attitude, detachment from the realities and lurking dangers. I think of two areas in our nation currently. First, economic instability. The following report should serve as a Major Warning of Danger: “The total unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare amount to $41 trillion dollars. Our government has promised $41 trillion dollars to Social Security and Medicare recipients without any plan to raise the needed money. So... just how much is a trillion? Have you ever asked for something from someone and had them reply "Just give me 5 minutes." Fine --- but what if he says "Just give me 1,000 minutes...or a million? Or a billion?" Here's the breakdown: 1000 minutes would equal just less than 17 hours. You'll get what you asked for before the day is out. 100,000 minutes would be almost 70 days. One million minutes? Look for whatever you need in just less than 2 years. One billion minutes? Try 1,900 years. One trillion minutes? Well, today is 2008. Your wishes will be fulfilled in the year 1,903,377. That's 1,901,369 years from now.” One wonders about the devalued dollar; the higher price of gasoline, the increasing costs of basic necessities – the basic truth is our outgo has greatly exceeded our income – therefore – our upkeep as a nation is leading to our downfall!

Secondly, the very considerable realities of terrorism. Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of American Center for Law and Justice writes: “Christians are under attack. In Iran, a couple is tortured for reading the Bible. Two men are tried and convicted for possessing Christian books in Algeria. This is serious. Right now, there is a radical proposal being pushed before the United Nations that will make expressing your faith an international crime. Speak out for Christianity and you might face the death penalty. In countries around the world, Christians are under attack as never before. There are examples of a growing global crisis - Christians targeted, facing the harshest of penalties - often death. Why? For simply sharing their faith or even reading a Bible! Now, one of the largest organizations inside the United Nations has made a bold move. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) at the U.N. is pushing a dangerous resolution - making speaking out against Islam - including proclamation of Christianity - an international crime. It's an anti-Christian measure and it clearly endorses what's taking place in many Muslim countries - where those who even speak out about Islam are severely punished with imprisonment and even death. I firmly agree with Justice Scalia who said in his recent dissent on the Supreme Court ruling on Guantanamo Bay, ‘American is at war with radical Islamists’.”

Despite these very real dangers, we read in I Peter 3:14 that must learn to cope with the degrading circumstances and press onward. Peter writes: “But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." No fear! No fright! We must function responsibly. We must live and model righteousness in the midst of chaos and darkness around us.

Think about this with me - - -

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