Friday, May 8, 2009


From My Perspective - - -

Special Days and times of the year conjure up all kinds of memories and nostalgic thoughts. This weekend we celebrate one of those very special days – Mother’s Day. One of the more interesting thoughts about this day were shared by a Humorist, Lewis Grizzard. He reminisced about his Mother and the following gives some indication for his reasoning: “His mother, Christine Word Atkinson, died in 1989 after a long illness. In many poignant columns and books, Grizzard wrote with near reverence of the former first-grade schoolteacher…Mama taught me that an education was necessary for a fuller life…She taught me an appreciation of the language. She taught a love of words, of how they should be used and how they can fill a creative soul with a passion and lead it to a life's work." After her death he wrote near the next Mother’s Day: “Don’t Forget To Call Your Mama – I Wish I Could Call Mine!

The Title of this Column, “NOT ALL WOMEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”, was motivated by the following taken from The Pastor’s Weekly Briefing: “MOTHER'S DAY: A MUCH DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE”…As we look forward to Mother's Day, I was reminded by Sydna Massé, the President of Ramah International, about the many women this weekend who might not be as joyful as others in your congregation when the topic of motherhood arises.
  • For many who have lost children, endured infertility or whose mothers have passed away, the annual 'Mother's Day' celebration can prove to be one of the most difficult days to endure. This holiday brings fresh memories of loss that can lead to depression, grief, guilt, anxiety and many other emotions that specifically relate to post-traumatic stress disorder. While most humans work to stifle these feelings in order to participate in the festival of honoring mothers, the overall sadness can often bring tears to the surface. The wounded hearts on Mother's Day fit all levels of our society — particularly those who have lost children. My pregnancy loss through abortion made this holiday incredibly difficult. My husband and young sons would work to make me feel like a queen and all I could do was miss the child I would never hold this side of heaven. After God's great healing, this day was easier, but still a trigger to my grief. This Mother's Day poses a new dilemma as my mother passed away in September. Please consider reaching out to us directly during this season. We fall into many categories: those who have miscarried children; still-born children; women with barren wombs; mothers who have lost children after they are born; individuals grieving mothers who have passed away; post-abortive women. We need the hope of God's healing and the comfort that a pastor's word can provide. Simply addressing our pain on this day with hope allows us to grieve. Those tears can only enhance God's potential healing."
Consider these things with me - In Genesis 2:18, 21-24, there is the account of Woman being created! “The Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him…So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” The idea was that Man Needed Woman to be his helper, encourager, and to make him complete. In this day of considerable spousal abuse, it is important to note that God did not make Woman from a bone in his hand so he would slap or punch her; nor did he take a bone from his foot so he would kick or trample upon her – but God took a Rib – a bone near to the heart of man so he would love and cherish her; treat her with compassion, tenderness and kindness; and have a keen awareness of how vital she is to him, and how much he needs her close to his side. I can’t begin to imagine what life would be like to be without my favorite wife, friend and companion – the one God chose to be flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone – she is known as and called – My Peggy!

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