Saturday, May 2, 2009


From My Perspective - - -

In a somewhat twisted way, it is interesting to observe a building Implode. Implosion is: “A violent collapse inward…Violent compression…The inward collapse of a building that is being demolished in a controlled fashion by the weakening and breaking of structural members by explosives.” The marvel is that which took weeks, months, and years to build at considerable cost can so abruptly and quickly be demolished into a pile of rubble. Many times the sole reason for the planned implosion is to make room for something more grandiose and appealing. Examples of this can be seen in the more recent efforts by Donald Trump with his buildings and acquisitions, and Steve Wynn in Las Vegas with huge casino properties. A December 2008 report states: “Wynn Resorts Ltd. CEO Steve Wynn says his swanky $2.3 billion Encore Casino—is about perfecting the basics. Better service, nicer rooms, better lighting…Wynn will have to keep prices low to keep people booking its 2,034 suites. That's because while Wynn is doing well, Las Vegas is not.” In other words, there is an economic implosion occurring.

The more serious type of Implosion is when it occurs in human lives. A casual observer can point to politicians, educators and religious leaders who grew careless in their personal preferences and lifestyle choices and lost the trust and confidence of people who had either elected them to office, or followed them because of their convincing rhetoric. It is obvious that self-discipline is too often sacrificed for some momentary gain or pleasure and careers come to a sudden halt as a result. In looking at a recent Book Review on Leadership, one telling point is made under the Chapter entitled: LAUGHTER SUSTAINS OUR SANITY: THE LEADER'S FUNNY BONE. There is a Symptom Checklist given: “(1) When I look in the mirror, I see sadness on my face and realize I have lost my sense of joy; (2) I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard that it hurt; (3) When I join a group, things always seem to get more serious instead of more fun." The Book addresses the totality of man – body, soul, spirit, mind. The idea is that ones life needs to be carefully monitored and foundational values constantly safeguarded. The Reviewer Notes: "Leaders must learn to laugh. We must laugh at ourselves, laugh with each other, and also laugh at some of the silliness we face in our work... If we take everything we do seriously, we will wither up and die on the inside. If we can't open the pressure valve with laughter, we just might explode (or Implode). So laugh or die. It's up to you."

There are several who believe our nation is flirting with implosion based upon: (1) economic choices; (2) immigration policy; (3) Views regarding Terrorism; etc. On March 23, 2009, reported: “Instead of referring to threats from terrorists, Janet Napolitano is referring in her speeches to “man-caused disasters.” In an interview, a reporter for Germany’s Spiegel Online asked Napolitano whether her avoidance of the term terrorism means that “Islamist terrorism suddenly no longer poses a threat to your country?” “Of course it does,” Napolitano replied. “I presume there is always a threat from terrorism. In my speech, although I did not use the word ‘terrorism,’ I referred to ‘man-caused’ disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.” By this logic, the FBI should refer to serial killers and serial rapists as ‘man-caused afflictions.’ After all, we do not want to create fear about serial killers.”

Consider these things with me - - - APOLOGETICS PRESS shares the following: “…A pernicious plague of moral insanity is creeping insidiously through American civilization. Far more deadly than the external threat of terrorism, this domino effect will ultimately end in the moral implosion of America. Indeed, America is being held captive by moral and judicial terrorism. Those at the forefront of the attempt to coerce the country into altering its long-standing code of moral values are activist judges…they apparently see themselves as the appropriate architects of social change by usurping their constitutional role and legislating from the bench…” Is this a correct assessment? How close are we to a national implosion? Can it be averted? How? A starting point would be MICAH 6:8, “He (The Lord) has told you…what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God!” The sooner we begin, and get back on track, the less likely we will be to Implode! No Debate Needed - – Just Action!

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