Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The W.C. and Other Acronyms

From My Perspective - - -

Who needs Acronyms? FYI (“For Your Information”), all I need is a KISS (“Keep It Simple Stupid”). Forget about being PC (“Politically Correct”) with me until I have my morning glass of OJ (“Orange Juice”) and conclude my R&R time (“Rest and Relaxation”) or until someone displays adequate TLC (“Tender Love and Care”) and brings me a BLT (“Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato”) sandwich to go along with my OJ.

An Acronym is: A word formed by combining the beginning letters of a name or phrase, as in WASP for white Anglo-Saxon Protestant, or by combining the initial syllables of a series of words, as in RADAR, which stands for radio detecting and ranging; or OPEC from Organization of Petroleum, EU from European Union, WHO from World Health Organization, etc. Some can be slightly confusing, such as NAE. Does it mean National Association of Evangelicals, or National Academy of Engineering, or Naval Aviation Enterprise? If we juxtaposition NAE to NEA, does it mean National Education Association, or National Endowment for the Arts, or Nuclear Energy Association, or National Environment Association? Those who research Acronyms came across one from the Department of Defense and Intelligence – STONESOUP. It means: “Securely Taking On New Executable Stuff of Uncertain Provenance.” The researchers comment regarding this Acronym is: “It is silly and needlessly complex. The acronym’s component words have been put together, just to make this goofy phrase…The acronym itself has little to do with the substance of the program, an intelligence community research effort to find vulnerabilities in binary or source code.”

Acronyms are fine if they are kept simple and are easily remembered. Cultural Factors also determine one’s ability to understand what a certain Acronym means. A humorous illustration of this is a story called The Water Closet. “A certain English lady visited Switzerland and was having difficulty finding a room, so she asked the local schoolmaster to help her. After a satisfactory room had been found, she returned to her home and did some packing. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she hadn't noticed a W.C. (in England, the bathroom is called a Water Closet), so she wrote the schoolmaster about the W.C. The Schoolmaster, not knowing the British meaning, asked the parish priest and together they decided that it must mean ‘Wayside Chapel.’ He wrote her the following letter: Dear Madame, It is my pleasure to inform you that there is a W.C. just 9 miles from your home, in the center of a grove of pine trees. It seats 229 people, and it is open on Thursdays and Sundays. This is an unfortunate situation if you are in the habit of going regularly. You will, no doubt, be glad to hear that some people bring their lunches and make a day of it. I would especially recommend Thursdays, for then there is Musical accompaniment. The acoustics in the W.C. are excellent; even the most delicate sound can be heard. My son was married in the W.C. and there was such a rush for seats that 10 people had to sit in the same seat. The looks on their faces were very interesting. My wife is sickly but dedicated. She doesn't go regularly, and she hasn't gone for nearly a year. I will be glad to reserve a seat in the W.C. for you, where you will be seen and heard by everyone. Hoping I have been of some assistance. Sincerely yours, The Schoolmaster.”

In the Church Community, Acronyms are used frequently, such as, the text is read from the NKJV rather than the NASB. Clarifying readings will be taken from the NIV and the NLT. Some have developed Acronyms, such as – FAITH – Forsaking All I Trust Him. As an attempt to define Justification, it is said to mean that God sees me in Christ – Just As If I Had Never Sinned. We should be thankful that the Bible is free of Acronyms when it informs us: John 3:16, “God so loved the world that He gave us His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” The Bible indicates in Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.” If one responds according to Acts 16:31 to, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” It becomes a fact, Romans 10:13, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” The question of salvation is never dealt with in terms of a clever Acronym, but on the basis of a personal response to Jesus Christ. The bottom line issue is: Do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? If not, do so now! Consider these things with me!

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