Thursday, April 8, 2021


What Does It Mean: To Be Accepted?
Paul followed the pattern of the Lord Jesus Christ by referencing the phrase "one another"! One example is Romans 15:7 where Paul simply writes and notes; "Accept each other (one another) just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory."
So many people who crosss our paths long to be accepted by someone - family, friend, neighbor acquaintance or stranger. 
Just to be viewed as a person!
Just to be considered a person of some worth/merit!
Just a person who is inwardly lonely and depressed - who needs a smile or a word of encouragement!
Is that something of which you are capable? Does it ever cross your mind that you could be/make a vital contribution to another's life?
YOU Can and should be THAT PERSON who touches another's life for the Lord Jesus Christ!