Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Just A Personal Reflection – BEING THANKFUL.

A few thoughts from God’s Word: Lamentations 3:22-23, 25 - - -
The Lord’s…compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness…The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him.”
How can I say thanks?
Why should I give thanks?

November 2017 was a momentous time in my life. I was having difficulty swallowing and breathing. I sought medical assistance but the diagnoses was far from accurate – ranging from ear infection to strep throat, and even regurgitation. An Ear, Nose and Throat specialist checked me and sounded a very serious alarm. I was referred to a specialist who stated I had a condition that would require the removal of my tongue and voice box. I rejected that procedure. Another specialist diagnosed me with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. The PET Scan indicated it was evident throughout my body – one gland very close to my spine and another very near the brain. He assured me that he would treat it and it would be successful. This meant weeks and months of Chemo-Therapy and related medications. For a while, I was unable to speak and had to communicate by using a white board. I also had a tracheotomy and insertion of a PEG Tube (for feeding) – all of which had some difficulty.

Why should I give thanks?
In the midst of my treatments and concerns, a Baptist Minister whom I did not know and had never met contacted me at a very low point in my life. It was like a Barnabas visit in my life. His notes of encouragement indicated that he had the same diagnoses as mine and he was now in his fifth year of remission. Sadly, in his sixth year of remission, my Barnabas (Steve S.) is having to cope with the pain and treatment inasmuch as his cancer has returned.

Why should I give thanks?
My concern was being able to speak again. My family (and others) prayed the Lord would be gracious and restore my voice so I could preach once more. With Thanksgiving, I can state that the Lord granted that request. I had been used to singing the Hymns with gusto – but – scar tissue has limited my singing range to just 5 or 6 notes. One of my children said: “Dad – you asked us to pray that you could speak and preach again – not that you could sing! So – don’t complain.”

Why should I give thanks?
After the Chemo was completed and the Scans were done once again, the Doctor indicated I was now in remission. During my two year maintenance period, at the 18 month examination and tests, the Doctor indicated I was still in remission. My next checkup will be in March 2020.

Why should I give thanks?
When my voice would not allow me to continue a sermon I was preaching, I had to stop just after I had read these words from Colossians 4:12, “Epaphras…is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.” During these two years, these words have resonated with me many times – “to stand firm and fully assured in all the will of God.”

I thank the Lord that He has kept me alive and permits me to regularly declare His Word. How can YOU say thanks? Why should YOU give thanks?
Prayerfully – consider these things with me.


Anonymous said...

We are all very thankful that God has supplied all your needs and has answered our prayers and granted you wellness. We are happy you are still able to preach and proclaim the Lord's goodness. We praise Him for these gifts. We love you!

Unknown said...

James it is a blessing to continue observing His grace and mercy in your life. We are thankful for YOU. Be blessed today!

Unknown said...

Interesting that your notes on Thankfulness use a text from a book titled Lamentations!