Thursday, June 30, 2016


I Was Just Thinking About - - -

Perfidy is a word that is employed to point out when a deliberate breach of faith or trust has occurred. It is sometimes used to reference some form of treachery.

Historically, this was the bedrock of Marxism. It persists today in trends such as postmodernity where the thesis is the idea that there is no such thing as truth. There is only power. The focal point is advocated by its proponents whose motivation is to establish the way they want things to be. The philosophy behind this motivation and trend has little to do with truth or freedom. Truth is bandied about and used as a mask or disguise so that the proponents can gain power and control. Their political slogans are designed to convey a believable concept that will gain a voter’s confidence and support in a Primary and/or Election. These concepts were championed for a passing moment but after they have achieved the desired result, the concepts and those who voted for them are too soon forgotten. The narrative espoused does not care about truth or falsehood per se. For the proponents, all that matters is that people believe what is being represented.

In political discourse, as well as in religious advocacy, there is a designed duplicity present (deceitfulness; narrative that is false; double-dealing). Do people care politically? Their commitment and blind loyalty is to a political entity – Democrat or Republican. Examples of this are the recent reports on the Benghazi events. The Investigative Committee Democrats issued a minority report that is contrary to the Republican majority report. Truth had little or nothing to do with a factual report to the nation. Note that some of the additional possible meanings for designed duplicity are: dishonesty, fraud, deception and subterfuge.

During the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, Truth was one of the core values that was championed. John 8:31-32 records, “Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him: If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” He would later expand upon this, John 14:6, where “Jesus answered (Thomas), I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” 

The idea of Truth was an issue when Jesus was standing before Pilate. John 18:37-38 records this exchange: Jesus said, “For this reason I was born and have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to My voice. What is truth? Pilate asked.”

In the cultural maze of today, truth is being blurred and obscured whereas perfidy and duplicity is being embraced. Despite the cultural trends, Jesus Christ remains as the only way, the only truth and the only one who can provide eternal life for all who believe and come to Him.

Prayerfully – Consider these things with me!

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