Monday, April 18, 2016


I Was Just Thinking About - - -
In a day when noise and deception in the public square is rampant, it is refreshing to read the well-written thoughts of one who cuts through all of that to clarify what is occurring in the political arena in this country. Andre Seu Peterson has posted a column in World Magazine on April 15, 2016 that is titled “Strange Sympathies.” Her expressed idea is in the sub-title: The Reasons Given for Supporting Candidate A Don’t Add Up.”
A Portion of her column states: “You get an upright man in government, and what do you do? You call him divisive; you say he doesn’t get along with others. You get a candidate who claims to be one of Christ’s, and what do you do? You accuse him of wearing religion on his sleeve. 
Jesus said: “To what then should I compare the people of this generation, and what are they like? They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling to one another, ‘We played the flute for you and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not weep’” (Luke 7:31-32).The one standard for one candidate, the other standard for his opponent. Leniency and tolerance for the ungodly man; arrows shot from the shadows for the better man. “Yet wisdom is justified by all her children” (Luke 7:35). It is always best to read the Scripture referenced in context – Luke 7:29-35
Whatever Happened To Facts and Accuracy?
An Instance of An Unfactual & Inaccurate Quote & Use Scripture
When asked about his favorite Bible verse, one political  candidate said: “an eye for an eye” and implied that this  was an apt way to deal with political opponents and other nations. The Candidate said: “That's not a particularly nice thing. But you know, if you look at what's happening to our country, I mean, when you see what's going on with our country, how people are taking advantage of us, and how they scoff at us and laugh at us…And they laugh at our face, and they're taking our jobs, they're taking our money, they're taking the health of our country. And we have to be very firm and have to be very strong. And we can learn a lot from the Bible, that I can tell you."
However, the statement that: “A Text taken out of its Context is a Pretext” applies here. Jesus was speaking in the Sermon On The Mount with His disciples about real situations and possibilities that will be encountered in life - and said – Matthew 5:38-42
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well; and if someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”
Whose interpretation will you believe at this point – a Political Candidate or Jesus Christ?

Consider these things with me!

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