Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I Was Just Thinking About - - - 

The culture of the world and our nation is going through many transitions. Things that were at one time unthinkable and intolerable are becoming legal and accepted. At one time, they were condemned and now they are being condoned. The rule of law is marginalized and moral standards are being eroded. We see evil, wickedness and atrocities abounding and the silence in that regard is deafening. Those who comment about events as they unfold are ignored because of the manner in which their view is expressed and presented. A person who decides to become a Presidential candidate indicates that in recent elections more than one half of professing Christians chose to sit on their hands and decided not to vote. The result has been that those elected have placed the values of the non-voter on the slippery slope that is heading toward oblivion and it is dragging the entire nation with it. The world is jeopardized as the blind lead the blind toward the precipice of destruction.

The Biblical Christian is as culpable as the marginal professing ones. In recent days, a friend posted a public domain graphic on her Facebook Page and had it removed by a FB censor. No reason was given but perhaps the misguided individual objected to the graphic content. It pictured an image on a cross and the use of John 3:16. It was sad that with all the Biblical and nominal “Christians” on Facebook, very few made any comment or offered a protest of any sort. The apathy is astounding and the silence is deafening. How well do we love The One who was suspended on the cross of Calvary? How well do we cherish the substance of John 3:16 that tells us of God’s love demonstrated by the gift of His Son who would be The One who was suspended on that cross and result in all who would believe in Him should never perish but have everlasting (eternal) life? Does that message mean anything at all to us? Is it something about which we should remain silent? Do we believe as the Apostle Paul did (Romans 1:16), “I am NOT ashamed of the Gospel of Christ (John 3:16) because it is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe, both the Jew and the Gentile alike.”

The sound Bible Commentaries reminds us that sheep/lambs are a species that cannot be driven by a cowboy as cattle but must be led gently and with gentleness to verdant (rich with vegetation) pastures. This idea and concept is demonstrated within Psalm 23 (paraphrased from NLT): “The Lord shepherds me and I have everything that I need; He leads me to a safe place to rest; He finds peaceful streams so I can quench my thirst; He renews my strength; He guides me along correct paths; in the darkest and most dreaded places, He delivers me from my fears because He is close beside me; He makes preparations for me even when I am surrounded by enemies; He overflows my life with multiple blessings; His goodness and unfailing love surround me always; and He will bring me into His eternal dwelling place where I will live with Him forever.” 

When Peter was being reestablished in his relationship with Jesus Christ, on three occasions he is asked by Jesus about his personal level of love for Him (John 21:15-17). The focus Jesus wanted Peter to have was the care and feeding of His sheep and His lambs. It is significant when Peter is writing to the believers who were being persecuted and scattered in 65 AD of The Lamb who had been slaughtered in their behalf.  In I Peter 1:18-19 (ESV), he reminds the persecuted believers: “you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.” The Good Shepherd (John 10) had given His life in behalf of the sheep and lambs. The words and music written by Twila Paris capture this message in the words…”Your gift of Love They crucified. They laughed and scorned him as he died. The humble King They named a fraud And sacrificed the Lamb of God.”

As we approach Palm Sunday, the song flowing from our hearts should be the words written by Matthew Bridges (1852): “Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne. Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own. Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee, And hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity.” Is this the Hymn in your heart and the reality of your life? Don’t be a silent lamb any longer. Proclaim and Crown Him today as the King of your life! Consider these things with me!

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