Tuesday, December 24, 2013


From My Perspective - - -

There are two ways for one to face the world of today: (a) Everything is alright and we’ll be just fine, or (b) The nation and world is on a slippery slope accelerating downward and beginning a death spiral – and – no one knows or cares to apply the brakes to slow this trend and momentum. To suggest there is Instability in the world today would be a major understatement. Regardless of where one looks, there are the marks and evidences of corruption and unconscionable acts and behavior. Yesterday, I submitted on Facebook the following: “In the 70s, Dr. Francis Schaeffer said: "as American society turns away from the concept of absolute moral values, the result will inevitably be rampant abortion, euthanasia, infanticide and increasing homosexuality." Surprise, Surprise?! We have arrived!”

Within the nations and various cultures, a discerning person is able to identify the trends and direction for the world as we have known it and are beginning to learn it. Equally disturbing is the decline and compromises of the “church” so-called. Long ago, a question was posed that has application for the overall “church of today: (I Corinthians 14:8), “And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle?” In the place where stability for life and practice ought to be found, the trumpet is giving an uncertain sound. The ‘church” is sliding down a path where its message has become confusing, and its standards have become suspect. The question must be asked: “If the trumpet call can't be distinguished, will anyone show up for the battle?”

What does the “church” do when it no longer has impact in the changing and shifting culture? When people no longer find “church” meaningful and absent themselves from it and forsake assembling together, who or what should be held accountable? When several of the mega-churches deliver their homilies on hope and feeling good about oneself – and continue to grow – is that what the Bible champions as the success standard for what a local “church” should be and do?  Too often, that’s exactly what occurs. When growth isn’t happening, then someone has to be blamed for it. Who is the most likely “someone” in the local “church”? Regardless of how diligent and faithful one has been, the Pastor is the cause of the decline in attendance and finances. Those who make these kinds of decisions have chosen to ignore some very basic and vital Biblical teaching. In most cases, they need a fresh and large dose of Hebrews 10:22-25. These verses are marked by the use and implication of the Hortatory Subjunctive (in the Greek). The characteristic of the phrases is that they begin with “LET US” and always mean inclusively there is an action that must be taking place among those who profess to follow Jesus Christ. It is not a finger pointing and the verbalization that “HE” hasn’t done… (usually referring to a Pastor) – but rather – “WE” haven’t done all of what God wants us to do.

The directives of Hebrews 10:22-25 are clear. This is what we are COLLECTIVELY to be doing:
(1)    “LET US”  draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith
(2)    “LET US”  hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering…
(3)    “LET US”  consider how to stir up one another to love and good works
(4)    “LET US”  not neglect to meet together...
(5)    “LET US”  encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near…
Hebrews 12:1
(6)    “LET US” lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and 
(7)    “LET US” run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus… 

If we want to secure Stability and reclaim it from the Instability of our culture and
time, we must return to The Stable and seek The One Who was in the manger. We
must endeavor to know Him. Stability for one’s life, world and “church” are found
in that Stable of so long ago. Paul prayed in Philippians 3, “I want to know Him…”
Is that your longing and prayer? Consider these things with me!

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