Monday, January 7, 2013


From My Perspective - - -

An article on National Review Online website features an article by Wesley J. Smith entitled, “Human Exceptionalism.” The thrust of the article is: “Decadence is on the march! And now, a defense of pedophilia as just another ‘sexual orientation’ has been published in the mainstream left wing United Kingdom newspaper The Guardian.” The article espouses the following: Pedophiles may be wired differently. This is radical stuff. But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that pedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality…the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that pedophilia ‘is a sexual orientation’ and therefore unlikely to change’.” The article continues: “The idea, apparently, is to embrace pedophilia as a normal part of the human condition so that we can help those with the ‘orientation’ refrain…” such as: “…a broader, societal change is needed. Adult sexual attraction to children is part of the continuum of human sexuality; it’s not something we can eliminate…If we can talk about this rationally – acknowledge that yes, men do get sexually attracted to children, but no, they don’t have to act on it – we can maybe avoid the hysteria. We won’t label pedophiles monsters; it won’t be taboo to see and name what is happening in front of us.” Obviously, when the moral values base is jettisoned and the moral compass has been shattered, then an almost matter-of-fact approach is championed as being acceptable and a transitioning into  new norm.

Wesley J. Smith summarizes: “I am sorry, pedophiles can already get help in controlling their urges before they ruin a child’s life–and certainly, many do…But turning the abhorrent and pathological into the somehow acceptable will not protect children. Quite the contrary. Think about it: If the desire for sexual congress with children is just ‘another orientation’…and if some children supposedly ‘like it’ when they voluntarily engage in sex with adults…how long would the absolute rejection of cross-generation congress last? Not very. It wouldn’t be long until we saw the absolute prohibition on pedophilic sex downgraded to a mere ‘taboo,’ which, as the last fifty years teach us, are made to be broken.”

An article on the Focus On The Family website - “Talking to Your Kids About Sexual Abuse” by Jon Holsten – the following is stated: “The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, describes the natural progression of a culture bent on satisfying fleshly desires – a culture much like ours today. “Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God he gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity (Romans 1:28-29, NIV).” Parents who consider their children ‘safe’ from sexual victimization live in false security and set a dangerous course for their families. The U.S. Department of Justice reports that 67 percent of all sexual assault victims are children. Another study by the National Center for Victims of Crime (2000) shows that 33 percent of girls (1 out of 3) are sexually abused before the age of 18. Sixteen percent of boys (roughly 1 out of 6) are sexually abused before the age of 18. These alarming figures demonstrate why parents must work diligently to keep their children out of potential risky situations and teach them what to do if someone tries to exploit them sexually. The person most likely to sexually abuse your child is a person your child knows – and trusts. The sex offender looks for a child who trusts him and can be convinced to stay quiet about inappropriate physical contact. It could be a family member, close relative, neighbor, school teacher or trusted youth worker.”

Let us remember how God viewed such cultural trends and debasement. Genesis 18 and 19, along with Romans 1 are indicators that “Terminal Nonjudgmentalism” is totally repugnant to God. Genesis 18:20 states, “…the Lord said,"The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous…” That was the assessment before the total destruction of the cities and the inhabitants in them. The toleration of non-righteousness was repugnant to God and His complete judgment occurred. What America is forgetting and neglecting is Proverbs 14:34 (NKJV), “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people.” Consider God and His Standard. Consider these things with me. 

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