Thursday, May 24, 2012


From My Perspective - - -

An old expression that addresses how many people operate in daily life is: “don’t confuse me with the facts!” In general, such a person is attempting to face the challenges of living by not getting involved in too many details and/or principles for behavior. The approach operates at a level of: “if it looks good/right and feels good/right – then – it must be good/right. There is no logic attached to the conclusion – just feeling – how do I feel becomes life’s most important question and issue.

One News Now has a post by John Rosemond where he shares several thoughts including: “When I was growing up, it was said that one should not engage in discussions of religion or politics. These days, engaging in conversation concerning how someone raises their children is just as likely to end the relationship as a discussion of their religious or political beliefs. The further problem is that anti-intellectualism is in the air. In The Iron Lady, the aged Margaret Thatcher, as portrayed by Meryl Streep, becomes quite agitated when her physician asks her how she's feeling. She reprimands him, noting that it is a person's thoughts, not their feelings, that truly count, that truly reflect the character of the person.” At best, this reflection from The Iron Lady would be a secular approach to facing life and any decisions attached to daily living. It focuses on only one aspect of what a person is and absents itself from the broader view of what makes a person who he/she really is, namely, both body and soul that contains a mind, emotions, and a will.

Many years ago, Dr. Bill Bright and Campus Crusade for Christ produced a Booklet entitled: “Have You Made The Wonderful Discovery of the Spirit-Filled Life?” Contained in the Booklet is a simple illustration – A Train with just three cars – an Engine, a Coal Tender, and a Caboose. The Engine is labeled Fact; the Coal Tender is labeled Faith; and the Caboose is labeled Feeling. It is used to illustrate this Statement: “Do not depend upon feelings. The Promise of God’s Word, not our feelings, is our Authority. The Christian lives by Faith (trust) in the trustworthiness of God Himself and His Word. The Train diagram illustrates the relationship between Fact (God and His Word); Faith (our Trust In God and His Word); and (Feeling ((the result of our faith and obedience…The Train will run with or without the Caboose. However, it would be futile to attempt to pull the train by the Caboose. In the same way, we, as Christians, do not depend upon feelings or emotions, but we place our Faith (trust) in the trustworthiness of God and the promises of His Word…”

The reality is (a) there is no power or authority with Feelings (The Caboose) – they are temporal and are impacted by events and happenings; (b) Feelings will have peaks and valleys – the feel-good (euphoric) – and - feel-bad (depressed) moments; (c) Feelings are always subjective; (d) Feelings are unreliable for decision-making. On the other end of The Train is the Engine – Fact. The engine is the source of power and authority – always reliable and a dependable guide for any decision and every life. It would be wise to place your FAITH in the FACT (The Engine) rather than in FEELING (The Caboose). How do you operate your life – by how you feel – or – by what you know The Word of God instructs? Are you trying to pull your Train with the Caboose (Feeling) or by relying upon the Engine (Fact – God’s Word)?

The Scripture Text used with The Train illustration is John 14:21, “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” Jesus stated it simply and directly. There was no “If it makes you feel good, then you should do it” kind of milquetoast approach. It was clear and forthright – obedience to the commands demonstrates one’s love for Christ. Anything else falls short and misses the opportunity of being loved and guided throughout life by The Triune God. It’s a journey and relationship you should desire and seek – you will not be disappointed if you do so! Consider these things with me!

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