From My Perspective - - -

Most of us have a general idea of the meaning of communication. After all, we communicate with someone else most days of our lives. It is “the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, ideas, or concerns by utilizing speech, writing, or signs…it is something transmitted or imparted…” There was a very significant breakthrough disclosed on CBS: 60 Minutes – Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 – of how an Apple Computer became a vital and useful tool for an autistic young man at age twenty-seven. By use of a special program, he was enabled to make known some of what he was thinking and needing – for the first time, he was able to communicate with words and phrases. Previously, his Mother had gotten him to make use of charades for his avenue of communication.

Today marks a very important anniversary regarding communication. It occurred while the Civil War was underway. While the battles took place between the North and the South, something very significant was taking place from the East to the West - today is the 150th Anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental telegraph. The Associated Press uses these words: “From sea to shining sea, it electronically knitted together a nation that was simultaneously tearing itself apart, North and South, in the Civil War. Americans soon saw that a breakthrough in the spread of technology could enhance national identity…” The Archivist for Western Union said: “it was huge as lines were strung across mountains and canyons and tribal lands to make the final connection…Cities in California were able to communicate with Washington and the East Coast in real time. It’s hard to overstate the impact of that…”

In the rapidly changing events in the world today, many people have been drawn into the process and protests by electronic means – the computer; face-book; tweet – a result being that large assemblages of people can come together quickly in a common place. In several places where governments have imposed restrictions regarding communication in groups, forums, churches, etc., the electronic age of i-Phones and i-Pads have enabled people yearning to be free to break through those restrictions and to climb the imposed barriers – and – to communicate.

Our nation will have a new experience on November 9th, 2011 at 2:00 PM (EST) when the Emergency Alert System will be activated nationwide for the first time. It is designed to allow the President of the United States to speak to the nation within 10 minutes. All Radio and Television Programs will be silenced – the only national communication being that of the President or an Agency assigned to that task. The assignment is FEMA – The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the FCC – Federal Communications Commission. The stated purpose of the test is to assess the reliability and effectiveness of the system in alerting the public.

When the Telegraph was being completed 150 years ago today to enhance communication from East to West, what if there had been some form of vital and meaningful communication between the Northern and Southern States – could the deaths of more than 625,000 fighting men been avoided? Could the pillaging and suffering been averted? What if people of good conscience and principle had been able to employ some Biblical principles, could it – would it have been useful to settle the differences that had arisen? What if the words of Isaiah 1:16-20 been considered and applied, would the physical carnage have occurred? Isaiah wrote: “…Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord…If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken…” The Message translates verse 20: “…if you're willful and stubborn, you'll die like dogs. That's right. God says so.”

In the body politic of our day, one can often hear about which candidate will receive the support of the evangelical community. Sadly, the “evangelical” community is as divided as the nation - liberal versus conservative – principled versus non-principled – moral values versus permissiveness – Biblical Standards versus Political Expediency. Come NOW and let us reason together on GOD’S TERMS. Let's return to doing things God's Way. Consider these things with me!