Friday, November 13, 2009

Political Perpetuity

From My Perspective - - -

Is human behavior predictable? Is there validity to the phrase: “As now – so then!”? Is there a pattern that one follows based upon moral principles inculcated (to teach another by frequent instruction or repetition; indoctrinate) in the home, personal philosophy, educational choices, and political bias and orientation? Can it be said that Political Perpetuity is a reality and serves as a barometer in terms of a politician’s decision-making process? Perpetuity means: “The quality or condition of being perpetual…Time without end; eternity.” With that being true, would it not be wise to fasten one’s seat-belt for a long and arduous journey – one that will be “demanding great effort or labor; difficult…testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous”?

Currently, the President of the United States has rejected all options offered him regarding the War in Afghanistan. If there have been random recommendations without complete detail of both objective and duration, that would demonstrate wisdom. If the rejection is based upon political considerations and perpetuity, that would be lacking in wisdom. A question is: Is there any barometer one can view that gives an indication of the direction in this decision-making process? Is it fair and adequate to look at one’s past political career to gain some insight to what’s ahead?

One insight we gain is, Barack Obama began his political career as an Illinois state senator, where he served from 1997 to 2004. He spoke out against the U.S. invasion of Iraq. This was backed up by the publication on his official candidate's site of his speech at an anti-war rally in October 2002. Rather than fighting Iraq, he said: "Let's finish the fight with Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, through effective, coordinated intelligence, and a shutting down of the financial networks that support terrorism, and a homeland security program that involves more than color-coded warnings." Another insight is that as a senator in the Illinois legislature, he had a third option beyond "Yes" or "No" - namely - "Present." This option allows a legislator to remain neutral on an issue at vote, side-stepping a stance. He was criticized by his campaign rival Senator Hillary Clinton's campaign for the 129 "Present" votes he made from 1997 to 2004 [source: National Public Radio]. In 1999, he voted present on a bill that allowed juvenile offenders who committed certain crimes to be tried as adults. The results of this vote and others, including votes on abortion, allowed Clinton's campaign to portray Mr. Obama as a talker rather than a doer [source: The New York Times]. In the US Senate in 2007, he voted along Democratic Party lines 97 percent of the time - 10 percent more than the average for all Democratic senators [source: The Hill]. Of the leading Democrat candidates, he missed the most votes during the 109th Congress - 282 of the 630 total votes from Dec. 8, 2007, to July 28, 2008, or 44.8 percent. Is he still just a "talker rather than a doer" of what is wise and right?

As President, he has the difficult decision of whether or not to send more than 40,000 troops into harms way! What will he ultimately decide? Is Political Perpetuity at play here? Is he delaying his decision to preserve a fragile vote differential for the Health Care Reform legislation? There is an intriguing passage in the Bible that has all kinds of ramifications - Job 40:1-5 (NLT), “Then the LORD said to Job, Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God's critic, but do you have the answers? Then Job replied to the LORD, I am nothing – how could I ever find the answers? I will put my hand over my mouth in silence. I have said too much already. I have nothing more to say." The words of Verse 2 in The Message: “…Job Answers God: I'm Ready to Shut Up and Listen…” Whether or not the politician of today will admit it, there is a bigger picture and a better plan. However – it includes The Sovereign God of Whom it is said - Isaiah 42:5-8 (NLT), “God, the LORD, created the heavens…He created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath and life to everyone in all the world…it is He who says: I, the LORD, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness…and you will be a light to guide all nations to me…I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else…” The plans of our politicians need to be fitting into God’s plans for our nation. If we do it – we’ll succeed; if we don’t – failure will be a certainty and our destiny! May our leaders have the good sense to make the wise and correct choices! Consider these things with me!

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