Thursday, September 3, 2009


From My Perspective - - -

Algorithms are understood and utilized in a variety of ways, viz., by putting it in the context of the methods employed to Divide and Conquer (D&C). American Heritage Dictionary defines Algorithm as: “A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.” For instance, “In computer science…a D&C algorithm works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same or related type, until these become simple enough to be solved directly. The solutions to the sub-problems are then combined to give a solution to the original problem.” Simply stated, Algorithm is understood by the following: “Divide and Conquer is a powerful tool for solving conceptually difficult problems. All it requires is a way of breaking the problem into sub-problems, of solving the trivial cases and of combining sub-problems to the original problem.”

The Divide and Conquer (D&C) approach is not limited to Mathematical and Scientific issues alone. If one pays attention, D&C is often a Political ploy used by a man/woman seeking elected office, or in the effort to gain support for legislation. An example of this is in the current Health Care Reform Debate and Possible legislation. We have heard the Speaker of the House state people are coming to Town Halls with Swastikas. Others have likened the citizens attending Town Halls employing terms – Brown Shirts, Mobs, Extremists. As a matter of fact, on the webpage, there is a Link that refers to a group of American Citizens as: “Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists”! The headline of the article is: “ Page Planned Phone Campaign on 9/11 Against 'Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists' On Health Reform.” Plain and simple, it is the Divide and Conquer technique.

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall," is a favorite phrase, used in varying forms, of political orators from Benjamin Franklin to Abraham Lincoln. It has been attributed to Aesop, both directly in his fable The Four Oxen and the Lion and indirectly from The Bundle of Sticks. It gained some popularity after John Dickinson's 'Liberty Song' was published on July 18, 1768, in the Boston Gazette. The work contained the lines: “Then join in hand, brave Americans all— By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!” Patrick Henry was passionate in this regard and used the phrase in his last public speech, given in March 1799, in which he denounced The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. Clasping his hands and waving his body back and forth, Henry declaimed, “Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs.” At the end of his oration, Henry fell into the arms of bystanders…Two months afterward he was dead. A wise President during the sad and dark days of the Civil War – Abraham Lincoln - agonized over the nation. He empathized and emphasized the sentiments of Patrick Henry – United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Sadly, the trend of our times is to marginalize and fractionalize. It may bring momentary gain, but ultimately, it will prove to have contributed greatly to the ruin and demise of a once great and Christian nation.

In the spiritual sense, Jesus prayed for His followers so that they would not divide or be conquered. He did not want his followers to be marginalized and fractionalized. His Prayer is recorded in John 17:20-23, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you…May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” There is also the Prayer by Paul in Ephesians 4:2-6, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all…through all…in all.” If you have committed yourself to Christ, this should be your goal and reality. The motto of the Church of Jesus Christ must be: United We Stand – Divided We Fall! Consider these things with me!

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