Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just Too Many Of...

From My Perspective - - -

Too many Foreclosures; too many Bank Failures; too many Crimes and Murders; too many Unemployed – just too many of can be attached to almost any situation and consideration. For instance, Johann Hari wrote in the London Independent on November 15, 2008 (later appearing on The Huffington Post)the column: “ARE THERE JUST TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD?” He writes: This is a post I don't want to write. Its subject is ugly; it makes me instinctively recoil…The subject is overpopulation. Is our planet over-stuffed with human beings? Are we breeding to excess? These questions are increasingly poking into public debate, and from odd directions. Phillip Mountbatten…said in a documentary screened this week: ‘The food prices are going up, and everyone thinks it's to do with not enough food, but it's really [that there are] too many people. It's a little embarrassing for everybody, nobody knows how to handle it.’ …The overpopulation lobby say this will inevitably leave more and more people chasing after a diminishing amount of resources on an ecologically-ravaged planet. At their most pessimistic, they say human beings will, in the long sweep of planetary history, look like a big-brained version of a locust cloud. They eat everything in sight and multiply fifty-fold until they have consumed everything, when they turn in desperation on each other, munch off their siblings' heads, and then fall out of the sky dead. They say with a frown that this global swarming is driving global warming. How can you be prepared to cut back on your car emissions and your plane emissions but not on your baby emissions? Can you really celebrate the pitter-patter of tiny carbon-footprints?”

Yesterday (July 20th),The Patriot Post reported:“…Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in Sunday's New York Times Magazine: 'Frankly I had thought that at the time (Roe v. Wade) was decided…there was concern about population growth and PARTICULARLY GROWTH IN POPULATIONS THAT WE DON'T WANT TO HAVE TOO MANY OF.' The comment…was in the context of Medicaid funding for abortion. Ginsburg was surprised when the Supreme Court in 1980 barred taxpayer support for abortions for poor women. After all, IF POVERTY PARTLY DESCRIBED THE POPULATION YOU HAD 'TOO MANY OF,' you would want to subsidize it in order to expedite the reduction of unwanted populations. Left unclear is whether Ginsburg endorses the eugenic (relating or adapted to the production of good or improved offspring) motivation she ascribed to the passage of Roe v. Wade or whether she was merely objectively describing it…” Just as an aside, one is forced to wonder where this notion of “JUST TOO MANY OF” appear in the Constitution of the USA.

Life is something that should be cherished. It should be lived and used for noble purposes. In our world during the last 100 years, Millions have died because of War; more than 40 million because of Abortion; Countless numbers in Massacres and Murders; and the Holocaust. On the website – – one can find the number of deaths listed country by country occupied by Germany. A summary paragraph states: ”The European Jews were the primary victims of the Holocaust. But Jews were not the only group singled out for persecution by Hitler’s Nazi regime. As many as one-half million Gypsies, at least 250,000 mentally or physically disabled persons, and more than three million Soviet prisoners-of-war also fell victim to Nazi genocide. Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Social Democrats, Communists, partisans, trade unionists, Polish intelligentsia and other undesirables were also victims of the hate and aggression carried out by the Nazis.” While many are appalled by the number of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is almost an air of indifference in our country when it comes to DUI deaths; inner-city murders; and currently, deaths as a result of those text-messaging while driving and/or preoccupied with a Cell Phone conversation.

It was God’s idea for His Creation to be fruitful and multiply (The Cultural Mandate – Genesis 1:28). There is also the instruction to care for the creation/environment. Pollution is a result of man’s recklessness and carelessness. Such behavior is governed by the “I have a right to” attitude and the thoughtlessness on the part of too many in terms of what is being left for future generations. Simple things, such as recycling, composting, cultivating, and non-littering can be a starting point for all. The focus needs to be changed to – Just Too Many Of – who don’t care about the world in which we live. Consider these things with me!

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