Wednesday, April 29, 2009


From My Perspective - - -

It’s sometimes of benefit to review odds and ends that occur in our world, nation and lives. They seem like they are small and don’t matter – but they can affect and impact different ones in different ways. For instance, DO YOU KNOW - DO YOU CARE – Reported by: (World Magazine - 04/25/09) “$42,105 represents the price tag for every person living in the United States, according to Bloomberg News Service, for what the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve have spent or lent or committed in new pledges this year. That's $12.8 trillion - nearly the value of everything the United States produced last year.”

DO YOU KNOW - DO YOU CARE – Today marks the 100th Day since the Inauguration of Barack Obama as President. The New York Post has published a report on the 100 MISTAKES IN THE FIRST 100 DAYS. Number 22 is representative of the 100 Mistakes - JOE SCARBOROUGH ON: PROMOTING FEAR - "During his historic inaugural speech, Barack Obama promised to usher in a transformational age where hope would replace fear, unity would overtake partisanship, and change would sweep aside the status quo. But early in President Obama's first 100 days it is obvious that the only thing that is changing is the Candidate of Change, himself. The same politician who proclaimed during his inauguration that 'on this day we have chosen hope over fear' soon warned Americans that the US economy would be forever destroyed if the stimulus bill was voted down. Why was it that same man who promised to put Americans' interests ahead of his own political ambitions chose instead to use the suffering of citizens to advance his agenda?”

DO YOU KNOW - DO YOU CARE – this week there was a low altitude Picture-Taking-Mission over New York City that caused panic – many people racing out of buildings and running in the streets supposing there was another 9/11 attack imminent. The estimated cost for all three aircraft was $328,835, Air Force spokeswoman Vicki Stein said in an e-mailed response to inquiries. The purpose of the Flyover (according to a CBS Report) – “…apparently ordered by the White House Office of Military Affairs so it would have souvenir photos of Air Force One with the Statue of Liberty in the background…”

DO YOU KNOW - DO YOU CARE – World Magazine Reports – You Can now do PRAYER BY PROXY – “While some Europeans are cyber-shopping for certificates to renounce their baptisms, an American website is banking on a better safe than sorry approach from those stateside. For those without time to pray, but yet unwilling to ditch religiosity altogether, the website offers the soft apostasy of prayer outsourcing. Users of the site may subscribe and let the company's computers recite prayers for them using text-to-speech software. Protestant subscribers can pay $3.95 per month for a computer proxy to recite THE LORD'S PRAYEReach day for them. And the site encourages Catholics to ‘Show God you're serious’ by purchasing ‘THE COMPLETE ROSARY PACKAGE’—a purported value at nearly $50. The site has prayers for Muslims too, and a promise to point their speakers toward Mecca.”

Consider these things with me - - - The above reminds one of the summary in II TIMOTHY 3:1-5, “…understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people...” It seems as though the enemy has marched in while most were sleeping or having “warm, fuzzy feelings” about a new day and new hope. Gullibility is not a valid substitute for purposeful commitment to The Eternal God and having hope in Him alone. Let Him be The One Who leads us in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake! Amen!

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