Friday, November 14, 2008


From My Perspective - - -

A recent news release mentions: “A group of humanists announced this week plans to plaster over 200 buses in Washington D.C. with ads bearing its godless holiday" message. Ads proclaiming, Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake, will appear on the outside and inside of DC Metro buses starting next Tuesday and will run throughout December. Newspaper versions of the ads ran in The New York Times and The Washington Post this week. The advertising campaign is part of an effort by the American Humanist Association to reach out to like-minded individuals around the nation's capitol and elsewhere who might be interested in humanism. The atheistic group espouses the belief that one can live a moral life apart from a belief in a god or the afterlife. "Humanists have always understood that you don't need a god to be good…So that's the point we're making with this advertising campaign. Morality doesn't come from religion. It's a set of values embraced by individuals and society based on empathy, fairness, and experience…Fred Edwords, spokesman for the humanist group, said the campaign seeks to connect with non-theists who feel a little alone during the holidays because of its association with traditional religion…”

While this is appalling, how long have we tolerated the Lyrics to Santa Claus Is Coming To Town without too much of a whimper. And yet, the Lyrics are ascribing to Santa Claus the non-communicable attributes of The Triune God - - - “He sees you when you’re sleeping…He knows when you’re awake…He knows if you’ve been bad or good…So – be good for goodness’ sake…” We indoctrinate the young children with the Lyric and use it as a ploy to stimulate better behavior and obedience – or – “Santa won’t bring you anything for Christmas!” And – what are we doing? Teaching the children that Santa is “omnipresent – everywhere present at the same time”; Santa is “omniscient – he knows everything you do and where you go”; Santa is “immutable – he never changes from one year to the next”; and – “Santa is making a list and checking it twice” – because he will hold you accountable for whether you have been “naughty or nice” – he is coming again – so “be good for goodness sake.” The Humanists are demonstrating that same lifestyle and belief system with the advertisements and signs proclaiming – “you don’t have to believe in a god - - be good for goodness sake…” The Humanists have learned their theology from Santa very well…

It is amazing to listen to the arguments of their spokesperson. Very intelligent people present and make their argument in a very gentle and soothing way. The Bible (which they care for not at all) addresses this type of positioning by intelligent people. As a matter of fact, one could approach the atheist and humanist by suggesting “you seem far to intelligent to believe the diatribe you espouse because The Bible – The Word from The True God indicates in Psalm 14:1, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile, there is no one who does good.” These same words are repeated in Psalm 53:1. The atheist’s even have their mocking version of “The Lord’s Prayer” and change the words… “Or brains, which art in our heads, treasured be thy name. Thy reasoning come. Thy best you can do be done, on earth as it is. Give us this day new insight to help us resolve conflicts and ease pain…” etc.

Consider these things with me - - - This is a special time when children can be weaned away from Santa’s Claws, and the secular humanism surrounding this important season. It may be viewed as trite – but – this a time to prepare for the celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ. The children could celebrate the Birth of Jesus by having a Birthday Cake for Jesus and get the children away from the grasp of Santa’s Claws. It is a time to remember that God “was demonstrating His love for us”, in that, while we were still sinning – Christ was born so He could die for those sins (Romans 5:8)… It is a time to get the children away from Santa’s Claws so you can teach and rehearse the Biblically-based songs about Christmas and the Birth of Christ with them. They should learn and memorize the words to the great carols, such as – Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” It would be a good Lyric by Charles Wesley to learn, as well as a Classic Musical Score by Felix Mendelssohn. It is time to be assertive about Jesus Christ. It is His Celebration – so – let’s CELEBRATE!!

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