Saturday, October 25, 2008


From My Perspective - - -

As one views life in general and our nation in particular, it would be easy to be apprehensive in terms of where our country may be headed. Apprehension and Worry are not too far removed from each other. To be “Apprehensive” means to be: “uneasy or fearful about something that might happen…anxious or fearful about the future…”

Should one be concerned about the immediate and future? Absolutely! As the citizenry is voting now (Absentee Ballots) and collectively on November 4th, is it being done with discernment of where we are headed and how precipitous the slope is that we are descending? With the issue of taxes and re-distribution of wealth (“spread the wealth around”), is there an awareness of how quickly we will become a socialist nation? With all the disinformation and misrepresentation regarding taxes and the tax structure, the Georgia Public Policy Foundation came up with a chart that shows the effect of high marginal tax rates. In 1980 the highest tax rate was 70%, but the top 5% of income earners were only paying 35% of all income taxes. Now the highest rate is 35%, and the top 5% are paying 60% of all income taxes. Here's your chart :



Highest Federal Income Tax Rate



Share of Taxes Paid by Top 5%



Share of Taxes Paid by Top 25%



Share of Taxes Paid by Bottom 50%



The oft-repeated talking-point statement that there will be “a tax cut for 95% of the people” is disingenuous at best and flat out deceptive at worst, inasmuch as greater than 40% of the people pay no taxes at all. Also, some in Congress have such a sense that there will be change in the power structure of Government, we are beginning to hear the “plans” for the future – (a) The Chairman of the House Finance Committee stating yesterday that he wants to see a 25% cut in military spending; (b) The House Speaker expressing the immediate need for a $150 Billion stimulus package that would cover a wide range of social benefits; etc.

The Biblical mandate continues for us regardless of who is elected and whoever has the rule over us: “ I urge…that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”

Consider these things with me - - - and remember that the overall context of the Bible speaks to and about a people who knew captivity, oppression, persecution and hardship. In the most bleak moment, God had strategically placed Joseph in the government of Egypt and he was able to intervene. In like manner, Moses was sent to Pharaoh with the simple demand – “let my people go!” There was Esther who had “come to the kingdom for such a time as this”! There was Elijah who was not inclined to bow his knee to Baal, and led the revolt against such a despotic regime and time. There was Daniel and his companions in the midst of Babylonian tyranny who refused to compromise. The New Testament also speaks of the persecutions and the hostility as evidenced in the death of Jesus Christ; the martyrdom of Stephen in Acts 6; the imprisonments of Peter and Paul because of the Gospel they proclaimed. They were fearless before Pilate, Festus, Agrippa, and showed no reluctance to proclaim the Gospel when Nero came to power. Our direction remains constant: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be people of courage; be strong” (I Corinthians 16:13). Be a person of faith, hope, strength, good character – God is still on His Throne and is always in control!

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