Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I was just thinking about - - - -

Primarily, I'm thinking about those who don't pause to think, or if they do, they simply vacillate and cannot arrive at a settled conclusion or decision of any sort. When a Governor of a State who championed integrity and who allowed no leniency for those who were violating the law, suddenly is ensnared by some of his own standards of justice - one is forced to muse how such a one could lower his personal values and behave like some he would so easily prosecute. And, the one who was so relentless in not allowing mercy or leniency now finds himself in need of both, it allows for the thought that he needs a "good dose of his own medicine."

Such accounts bring out all kinds of critique, not the least of which were the comments of a talk-show personality (we'll call her Dr. S.) on the TODAY Show (NBC), where she allowed a measure of fault is with this man's wife for not affirming him and meeting his needs as a man. There was no thought shared in terms of the hurt and shame of a loyal wife and three teenage daughters. One would think there would be some hint of Moral Outrage...some expression about Double-Standards and/or the Blatant Hypocrisy among some who promote themselves to be our Leaders.

Maybe some of this is due to the fact that the religious foundations and institutions in our culture have allowed themselves to be in the forefront of Ambivalence. Once the effort is made to be all things to all people - we have lost our way! Once we allow the religious traditions to be negated (like Prayer, Bible Reading, Christian Observance) - we are, as one author penned, Slouching Toward Gomorrah. In the Bible, The Book of Judges (21:25) closes with words that serve as a commentary about our nation at this time, "...everyone did what was right in his own eyes." Historically, that type behavior always led to chaos and collapse. Be reminded of what may appear to be trite but is also axiomatic - "those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it."

With that thought in mind, visit Revelation 2 and 3. Seven historic churches and places are referenced. The Head of the Church - Jesus Christ - walks in the midst of these seven churches and communicates His observations to them. With six of the seven, He recommends immediate remedial response to what He is stating: "you have departed from your first love...repent...hear what the Spirit is saying..." To another, you are lukewarm...better if you were hot or cold...repent...listen to what the Spirit is saying..." This is an easy and challenging read and I would encourage you to study these passages. The point is that ambivalence had been allowed to replace conviction and commitment. The urging of the chapters is that one must return to a solid commitment and be in the right relationship with The Head of the Church - Jesus Christ.

If you were subjected today to the scrutiny and observation of Jesus Christ, would He condemn you because of the laxity and ambivalence of your lifestyle and choices, or would He commend you for commitment and loyalty to Him.

Think about that with me - - -

1 comment:

Beth said...

Read Cal Thomas's article for'll appreciate it!