Friday, February 1, 2008


I was just thinking about - - -

As the Political trend has shifted so dramatically this past week, it is interesting to watch candidates
scramble to redefine themselves and attempt to broaden their base. In part, they use language that has appeal to various focus groups and test their statements to determine whether or not they resonate. It becomes mental gymnastics - sort of a mental slight of hand ploy - so you will be convinced that the way they voted in the past, and the things they have represented politically for a long time - those things are really not what they seem and just accept their word that they meant something entirely different than the result of their action. That is some kind of hocus-pocus going on. Interestingly, EVERY remaining candidate of all political parties have employed that tactic.

But - as I think about the political rhetoric that inundates us daily - my thoughts also go to the Church and professing Christian people. It is mystifying to see a conglomerate of people of faith so diverse in the application of The Book that is embraced as containing and being "The Only Infallible Rule of Faith and Practice." An example of what may be somewhat defining in terms of where we are as a nation and world, The Drudge Report contained a terse snippet by a political figure in Israel to the effect that "homosexuality will result in the defeat (demise) of Israel." The irony here is that people believe Israel is part of Biblical prophecy, etc. That being said, and if that is true, could this be a repeat of the behavior that brought the fall and destruction of Sodom and Gomorah? And, if so, when Robert Bjork wrote his tome, "Slouching Toward Gomorah" (pertaining to the moral and ethical decline in America), can this nation be far removed from a similar destiny?

I also think of Romans 1:25-28, 32 (NLT) and God's assessment of mankind, "Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved. When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done...They are fully aware of God's death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And, worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too."

The spiritual morph that is needed is summarized in Romans 12:1-2, basically " transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you will come to know and apply God's good and perfect will in your life." It is basic because - at best - our ability to process data is flawed and biased. We need a more appropriate and logically defined set of core values, and we need to stand firmly on a sure foundation - without compromise. The mind and core value base is too often like the Oriental Owned and Operated Laundry of a bygone day - "The Wishy-Washy"!

Don't let yourself be "Wishy-Washy"! Be a person of both conviction and commitment. Think about it....

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