Wednesday, January 21, 2015


I Was Just Thinking About - - - -

The current news hardly scratches the surface as it reports of situations that are challenging and beyond human comprehension. One area is Ebola and the number of people who have been infected by it. When we think of human tragedies, previously there was the disease of leprosy. More recently, the transference of HIV and AIDS. HIV is an insidious disease. The following is copied from, ”The human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that attacks the immune system...Without a strong immune system, the body has trouble fighting off disease. White blood cells are an important part of the immune system. HIV infects and destroys certain white blood cells (called CD4+ cells). If too many CD4+ cells are destroyed, the body can no longer defend itself against infection. The last stage of HIV infection is AIDS (acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome). People with AIDS have a low number of CD4+ cells and get infections or cancers that rarely occur in healthy people. These can be deadly.”

In more recent times, there is the rise of ISIS-ISIL as it spreads its form of inhumane terror in the world. Their form of Sharia Law (the moral code and religious law of a  prophetic religion. The term Sharia has been largely identified with Islam in English usage). The news of this past week includes their stoning to death an accused adulteress; throwing two accused homosexual men from a tall building to their death; crucifixion and beheading of those who refuse to yield to Islam. The Christian Post reports: “The Islamic State terrorist organization in Iraq has executed 13 teenage boys solely because they were found watching a soccer match…The 13 teens were caught last week in the Al-Yarmouk district of the Iraqi city of Mosul watching the Iraq vs Jordan Asian Cup soccer match, which was held in Australia.” This is an act that has been deemed punishable by death under ISIS' Sharia Law. These and many other acts by ISIS are inconceivable for those with any degree of persuasion regarding Judeo-Christian moral values.

Biblical History records events that can be categorized as implausible, impossible and impassible. One event was the Exodus. As Moses led God’s people out of Egypt and into a desert journey toward their promised land, the challenges were considerable. Primarily, it was keeping the people focused upon the Living God - His care, provision and protection. Even though they had a visible sign of the presence of God in their midst - The Shekinah glory cloud to lead them by day and the pillar of fire to illumine and protect them at night - the people had difficulty when it came to being focused. Then they came to the Red Sea before them and the Egyptian Army and Chariots closing in on them - and - they saw themselves as being trapped and doomed. After safe passage through the Red Sea, another challenge before them would be the walled city of Jericho.

An online Sermon/Devotional on: "How Faith Works": states: "When the great walls of Jericho stood before them, 85 feet thick and over 100 feet high, impassable, impossible, they had only feeble instruments of warfare but in obedience to God they marched around the city seven times and the walls fell down. Faith dares. It pays no attention to impossibilities. As someone has put it (words attributed to Charles Wesley), Faith, mighty faith, The promise sees And looks to God alone, Laughs at impossibilities And cries, In Christ it shall be done.” When Jesus told a rich ruler that he needed to give up all he had, Luke 18:26-27 (Matthew 19:26) asks and answers a question: “Those who heard it said, Then who can be saved? Jesus said, What is impossible with men is possible with God." Do you stand behind barriers you have erected - the implausible, impassable and impossible? Maybe you should begin NOW to trust Him Who can do the impossible. Consider these things with me.

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