From My Perspective - - -

The first week of 2011 is almost history. How did you do with your resolutions so far? Have you postponed some things until after the College Football Bowls are concluded? After all, attending or watching games requires Grazing Food and Snacks Galore, doesn’t it? What if ones thought or attitude is – things are getting pretty bad in our country – rising costs, uncertain future, inflated deficits, upheaval in the world, possibility of losing retirement savings – I may as well enjoy what I can while I can? Isn’t it understandable if one feels and acts that way?

In reading some Devotionals for the New Year (Day By Day – by - Chuck Swindoll), the following thoughts stood out to me and serve as a reminder for us all in terms of our perspective and cultural obligations. The first thought is:
“Our world has become a large, impersonal, busy institution. We are alienated from each other. Although crowded, we are lonely. Pushed together but uninvolved. No longer do most neighbors visit across the backyard fence. The well-manicured front lawn is the modern moat that keeps barbarians at bay. Hoarding and flaunting have replaced sharing and caring. It's like we are occupying common space but have no common interests…Painful though it may be for us to admit, we're losing touch with one another. The motivation to help, to encourage, to serve our fellow human beings is waning. People have even observed crimes in progress but refused to help so as not to be involved! Our foundational values are getting lost in these confusing days. And yet, it is these things that form the essentials of a happy and fulfilled life.” 
The second thought gleaned from Day By Day is equally significant and perhaps more personal: “Exactly what does our heavenly Father want to develop within us?
  • "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." (Mark 10:45)
Jesus came to serve and to give. It makes sense, then, to say that God desires the same for us. After bringing us into His family through faith in His Son, the Lord God sets His sights on building into us the same quality that made Jesus distinct from all others in His day. God is engaged in building into His people the same serving and giving qualities that characterize His Son. Nothing is more refreshing than a servant's heart and a giving spirit, especially when we see them displayed in a person many would tag as a celebrity…Colonel James B. Irwin, a former astronaut who was part of the Apollo 15 crew that had made the successful moon walk…spoke of the thrill connected with leaving this planet and seeing it shrink in size. He mentioned watching earthrise one day…and thinking how privileged he was to be a member of that unique crew. And then he began to realize en route back home that many would consider him a "superstar," an international celebrity. Humbled by the awesome goodness of God, Colonel Irwin shared his true feelings, which went something like this: As I was returning to earth, I realized that I was a servant—not a celebrity…”

I believe this what led Paul to write in Philippians 2:3-8, “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus…who…made himself nothing - he humbled himself…” In Philippians 3:8-11, Paul shares: “I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ…” Not a Celebrity – but – A Servant. What a great attitude! What a great potential! What a difference this will make with others and this culture! Consider these things with me!