Wednesday, April 15, 2009


From My Perspective - - -

What is happening to America? What has happened to the “land of the free and the home of the brave…”? What happened to the Constitution of the United States? Whatever happened to the Bill of Rights, namely, Article the third [Amendment I]: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Did we all go to bed one evening in America and wake up the next morning in a Socialist or Dictatorial nation elsewhere? Is this the “change” people were desiring or expecting when they voted in November 2008? Is there no longer any room in our democracy for “buyers remorse” and the freedom to so state? Can the proponent of “The Arrogance of Hope” now champion the Suppression of Freedom of Speech and Lawful Assembly? In July 2008 the Washington Post contained an editorial that raised this point: “When Barack Obama appeared on the scene, the nation asked, “Who is he?” Now the Washington Post's Charles Krauthammer wants to know, “Who does he think he is?” Is that kind of speech now “right-wing-radicalism” to be disallowed?

Something unique will occur in our nation today – April 15th, 2009. The agenda is clearly stated on the webpage -, and includes: Are you fed up with a Congress and president who - - -
  • vote for a $500 billion tax bill without even reading it?
  • are spending trillions of borrowed dollars, leaving a debt our great-grandchildren will be paying?
  • consistently give special interest groups billions of dollars in earmarks to help get themselves re-elected?
  • want to take your wealth and redistribute it to others?
  • want government controlled health care?
  • want to take away the right to vote with a secret ballot in union elections?
  • refuse to stop the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into our country?
  • appoint a defender of child pornography to the Number 2 position in the Justice Department?
  • want to force doctors and other medical workers to perform abortions against their will?
  • want to impose a carbon tax on your electricity, gas and home heating fuels?
  • want to reduce your tax deductibility for charitable gifts?
Based on such statements and gatherings, the Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in rightwing extremist activity, saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias…It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration…The nine-page document was sent to police and sheriff's departments across the United States on April 7 under the headline, "Right-Wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment."

Consider these things with me - - - In I Peter 2:13-21, there is a general guideline given to God’s people for a constant behavior even if government oppression occurs – “Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.” Live in a such a way that you will always honor and please the Lord. This is the right and victorious way!

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