Wednesday, November 26, 2008


From My Perspective - - -

A generation was captivated by the possibilities of space through the fictional TV Series, Star Trek. In more recent times, the Star Wars series has evolved and been viewed as a scenario that could unfold in the worlds of the unknown. Earlier (1954), there was the film produced by Disney entitled, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea, where we were introduced to a whole different life and lifestyle. We were so easily caught up in the brilliance of Captain Nemo and his innovations and skill. As we viewed these productions, (a) we were drawn into the possibilities of Time-Warp, and (b) we forgot they were science fiction. The American Heritage Dictionary defines Time-Warp as – “A hypothetical discontinuity or distortion occurring in the flow of time that would move events from one time period to another or suspend the passage of time.”

Someone recently sent me an item entitled, “How Long Do We Have?” This is speculation rather than fiction, the hypothetical, or theories. While this is part of an article about The Athenian Republic, a more reliable source is to look at some of the events surrounding The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Some of the sub-points: “Economic factors are cited as a major cause of the fall of Rome. Three single-issue models that led to the collapse: (1) Economic (lack of circulating currency and trade deficit, and other factors not clearly economic, like environmental change and decaying infrastructure); (2) Military (citizenship granted to all (illegal aliens) reduced the incentive to join the army), and (3) Gradual transformation (drift toward socialism-humanism).” A comparison between the Roman Empire and the United States shows serious and frightening parallels, namely, "One of the primary catalysts to the deterioration of the economy was the lack of circulating currency in the Western Empire. Two reasons for the lack of funds are wholesale hoarding of bullion by Roman citizens, and the widespread looting of the Roman treasury by the 'barbarians'. These two factors, coupled with the massive trade deficit with Eastern Regions of the Empire served to stifle the growth of wealth in the west." It brings to mind the oft-stated, and equally – oft-forgotten phrase – “He who forgets History is doomed to repeat it!” That thought is also seen in the writing of George Santayana (1863-1952), Life of Reason, vol. 1, chap. 12, p. 284 (1905)…Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. This is the condition of children and barbarians, in whom instinct has learned nothing from experience.”

Our nation is becoming a nation of entitlement and expectation. The “gimme” mentality is pervasive in our nation (reliance on or a demand for the generosity of others, esp. as one's due). This week, while Citi-Corp was asking for and receiving Billions of Dollars for their portion of the “Bailout”, it was also revealed their expenditure of more than $400 Million Dollars ($20 Million Dollars per year for 20 Years) to have their Corporate Name placed on the New York Mets baseball stadium, now known as Citi-Field. Because of their cash short-fall, they will terminate the employment of thousands of people – but – keep paying to have their name on the stadium, One wonders, how and when did we lose our way so severely and badly? Whatever happened to prudence and self-discipline in both government, and personal management of obligations and responsibilities?

Consider these things with me - - - In Matthew 24:24-26, Jesus states: “False messiahs and false prophets will rise up…So if someone tells you, Look, the Messiah is out in the desert, don't bother to go and look. Or, Look, he is hiding here, don't believe it!” When will the end be near? Jesus continues in 24:37-39, “it will be like it was in Noah's day. In those days before the Flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn't realize what was going to happen until the Flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes.” This sounds like us in our nation – spending, lavish living, carefree behavior, look to the government to pay for our mortgages, provide us with health-care, give us food stamps, etc. Ah, what Shock and Awe awaits! In the hour – the moment – when no one is thinking religious thoughts – their personal Time-Warp will cease and they will be abruptly introduced to - - THE END!

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