Thursday, October 16, 2008


From My Perspective - - -

It is getting to a point where the idea of “Winner” or “Loser” becomes a moot point. It appears that the people of our nation are the Losers – regardless of who the political “Winner” may be. There is a smooth-talking and articulate candidate versus a stumbling and inarticulate one. If the merits of a Presidency were determined by rhetorical skill, there would be only one obvious choice. However, the substance of what one states, and the content of one’s character are vital. Even in this instance, the smooth-talking, articulate person will “win” handily. We owe it to ourselves, and our children, and our grand-children to make certain there is substance to both what is stated and in terms of ones character. There’s an interesting Internet Video of Obama declaring exactly and precisely what he intends to do with our military and defense systems. View it at:

What we should be observing with Political Candidates is (a) what they truly believe (if one can ever wade through the spin and rhetoric to sift it out), and (b) what they will do to repair what is broken without raising taxes and/or increasing spending. The smooth-talking, articulate one either can’t or won’t do it, and the stumbling, inarticulate one comes across as unbelievable in his proposals. Before YOU cast YOUR VOTE, are you able to state at least five (5) clear and precise things – free of campaign talking points - about each candidate that you know is reliable and that he will absolutely do? Scary - isn’t it? It isn’t so much in terms of which candidate wins, but how badly the citizens will lose depending on who is elected. You do have a vested and crucial interest in this election and our nation.

It seems as though we are at a precipice as a nation. As dangerous as that can be, we seem totally unaware of the proximity of that danger. The Economic Peril may be more than a cyclical factor or an evidence of greed and deliberate mismanagement. It may be a commentary on the fears people have if the wrong person is elected to be President, and what his background and persuasions will do to our nation. One candidate’s years under the teaching of Jeremiah Wright and exposure to Liberation Theology are important. Liberation theology was predominantly found in the Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council. It is often cited as a form of Christian socialism, and it has enjoyed widespread influence in Latin America and among the Jesuits, although its influence diminished in the 1980s. If the Liberation Theology Teaching is implemented, we can easily become like any other third-world country. Few have any real democracy. Many have Dictatorships that have proven to be suppressive and harsh regarding people.

The other fear is that one candidate has stated we are no longer a Christian Nation, but one that is Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Muslim… If we have any sense of Biblical History and Prophecy, there is a sufficient basis for thinking in terms of End-Times! In Romans 16:17-18 (NLT) we read: “Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people's faith by teaching things that are contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; THEY ARE SERVING THEIR OWN PERSONAL INTERESTS. BY SMOOTH TALK AND GLOWING WORDS THEY DECEIVE INNOCENT PEOPLE.” And then Verse 19 in The Message, “…I want you also to be smart, making sure every good thing is the real thing. Don't be gullible in regard to smooth-talking evil.” In the time and moment when we least expect it (a) the antichrist will appear and wreak havoc in the nations, and (b) The Lord Jesus Christ will descend with a shout, the trumpet-call will sound, and we will be caught up to be with the Lord forever.

Consider these things with me - - - A television ministry loves to use as a mantra – Be A Victor – Not – A Victim! If your faith, trust and hope is in Jesus Christ alone, then you will be The Victor and not the victim regardless of what happens in our nation or world. But while we can – let us be Light and Salt – endeavoring to both be and to make a difference wherever and whenever we can. God is our Refuge and Fortress – let us trust in Him!

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