Monday, April 7, 2008


I've just been thinking about ...

Watching newscasts, pundits and prognosticators has become a wearisome venture. In this age of 24/7 cable networks and internet resources, "news" has become an anomaly - maybe even an oxymoron. And the Pundits-Prognosticators seem to lack any original thought as they spin on and on and on - grinding out their previously stated views ad nauseam (check it out - this is a correct spelling). The only relief is to do one's own research. The Internet is an invaluable resource, as is You Tube and some excellent Blogs that are available.

Of course, there is no substitute for good old common sense. We all have a value system - all we need to do is engage it. We all have the ability to think for ourselves - all we need to do is exercise our minds. We all have an intrinsic ethical sensitivity - all we need to do is employ it. It is both absurdity and folly to allow ourselves to absorb the ranting of the media multitudes while ignoring our individual values and simple basic instincts.

Many have used the expression: "Are you going to believe what you see and hear or what my lying lips are telling you?" It is obvious some are trying to convince you of their "lie" as over against what you see and know. And then the excuse that is given is, "Well, I misspoke!" Or, "I'm overtired and confused the experience with another event." The point is - how many times shall the "lies" be tolerated and/or excused before we scream out - ENOUGH!! If the telephone rings in the White House at 3:00 AM, do we know whether or not the person answering the Telephone will have a new-found integrity to tell the person on the other end of the Telephone - the TRUTH.

For too many people, lying has become part of their lifestyle choice. They would not recognize "Truth" if it stood in front of them and even slapped them. The Bible addresses "seared consciences" indicating those who have become desensitized to right and wrong, truth and error. A classic Scripture Reference is Romans 1:18-19, 25 -
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of MEN WHO SUPPRESS THE TRUTH in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them...For they exchanged the TRUTH of God for a LIE, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator..."

If we knowingly elect a "Liar" to lead our nation, do we sincerely and honestly believe God Will Bless America? Do we honestly believe God will violate His Character and condone what He condemns? Or, has the conscience of America become so seared, that (a) we can no longer differentiate truth versus error, and (b) a marked deficit in Character and Integrity is not that great an issue for a representative among the nations. The reasoning being - we have entered the post-Christian era many years ago and that makes Christian Values and Virtues inconsequential. SHAME ON US if that's what we have become! SHAME ON US if that's what we think and allow.

You think about this with me - - -

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